The adventures of a journalism student.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Want to read my work?

Since school has started up again for the year, I have written a few articles for the Kwantlen Chronicle. I should explain that the second-year students in the program produce the online Kwantlen Chronicle and the print version. Our class is required to put out four issues of the print edition this semester. Also, each student is required to produce a total of 14 pieces for the online Chronicle this semester. Those "pieces" can be written articles, photographs, videos or audio slide shows.

I have a desire to cover events, writing for the entertainment section. I have already laid out plans in my mind for an event I would like to cover around Halloween. I plan an audio slide show covering Potters - which is a nursery turned house-of-horrors for the two weeks prior to Halloween.

But, alas, I have been assigned to write for the news section of the online Chronicle for the first half of the semester, much to my dismay. Below are links to the articles that I have written thus far. Questions? Comments? Rude remarks?

(Be sure to check out the audio file with the link above. It took up quite a bit of time to do.)


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