The Delta Inn's banquet room was buzzing last night, as residents gathered for an all-candidates meeting to hear from their candidates in the Newton-North Delta riding.
Questions, which were asked by the Surrey Now's editor, Beau Simpson, were created by residents through the newspaper. Questions were also submitted during the meeting by members of the audience.

The candidates were asked a range of questions including issues surrounding the economy, health care, immigration, youth crime and specific questions were asked to some candidates.

Liberal Sukh Dhaliwal, the current MP for the riding for the last two and a half years, stressed to the crowd that he takes guidance from his constituents and takes those issues to the House of Commons, not the other way around. He mentioned his efforts during his time in house and said his first and foremost priority is that Newton-North Delta has a voice in Ottawa.

Conservative Sandeep Pandher stressed his support for lowering tax burdons, acting tough on crime and was the only candidate to support the Conservative idea that 14-year-olds should be tried as adults. He stated that the Conservative government will go forward with these amendments to the Youth Criminal Justice Act if re-elected.

Green Party Liz Walker has lived in Surrey since 1983, and since has been involved in years of volunteer surrounding the environment. Walker strongly supports the green vision and repeatedly mentioned the "Green Tax Shift" which will tax items that produce pollution and CO2 emissions and will put those tax dollars into things that promote a healthy environment.

Independent John Shavluck, nick-named as Shrek, spent two years with the Green Party and following that joined Mark Emery's Marijuana Party. Shavluck asked the crowd to vote for the "Newton-North Delta riding" as he suggests if you vote for the other candidates, you are voting for the parties.
Teresa Townsley was unable to attend due to a child being struck ill and apologies were given. James Miller-Cousteau was scheduled to attend, but no explanation for his absence was provided.

The next all-candidates meeting will be on October 8 at St. John's United Church at 7:30 pm.
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