The adventures of a journalism student.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Just Play.

Curious, it is, that when life is full and hectic one wishes for a break. When that break arrives, one wishes for stimulation. In both instances, my wishes were granted.

School has returned - or rather I have returned to it - and I find myself embracing caffeine and my MacBook. Neither of which were fully appreciated during my summer break in July and August.

The summer break was much appreciated, but dare I say, too long?

Only so much time could pass before the inevitable arrived and I came to remember why I want to be a writer - not a waitress. I began to dream of CP style and inverted pyramids, and began to have sinful desires to mistreat a rude persons cuisine or ignore an arrogant request. My mind wandered in circles without stopping for nothing was there to stop it.

Interestingly, I would like to blame my frustrations on something, but there is no one to blame but I. The mental stimulation for which I strived was all inside - waiting, lurking and screaming to be released.

Schools return has shown me the light, as has a birthday card that I received this summer. On the cover of the card it reads: Life is the music. You are the instrument. Just Play.

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