The adventures of a journalism student.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

More journalistic stuff.

I've had an article published that means a lot to me. I wrote about a reformed gang member that I met at a gang rally earlier this year that stood out to me because he was very open about his past. I knew he would be on board to tell his story and pitched the idea to my editor at the Now. He went for it, and here it is. It's a web exclusive, so you can only read a few paragraphs in the print edition of the paper and must pop online to read it in it's entirety.

Click here to check it out!

Yesterday, I put together a slideshow for the Now from photographs that Brian Howell took at the Vaisakhi celebration in Surrey last weekend. Here it is

Coming soon: I made a visit to a day spa in White Rock today and wrote about a treatment I took in an infrared sauna. That will be published in the next edition of Look magazine! More details to come.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

First slideshow published.

Through my experience and education in journalism I have discovered that more than anything, I enjoy putting together multimedia projects.

For the Surrey Now, I put together an audio slideshow that takes a look at the Surrey Festival of Dance's first weekend. The month-long festival is on at the Surrey Arts Centre. I urge people in the community to check it out. It features the talent of dancers and performers from all over B.C.

Click here to check it out.

Friday, March 27, 2009

My journalistic journey thus far.

Through my journey as an intern at the Surrey Now newspaper, I have a couple of pieces that I am quite proud of.

I can definitely say that there are two articles in particular that stand out to me. I believe they are my favourite of all the pieces I've had published to date.

Check them out!

The first, a feature on a Surrey luxury car club. Harvey Sangera gives me a ride in an Audio R8. Just one of his luxury vehicles that you can drive - for a price! CLICK HERE!

The other, a feature on a local White Rock artist. Art and environment meet on canvas. CLICK HERE!

The Surrey Festival of Dance.

The Festival of Dance kicked off today, celebrating its 43rd year of existence.

I attended some performances today to collect images and audio for a multimedia project I'm working on for the Surrey Now newspaper's website. The project will include images of dancers, brief interviews with organizers and participants - and of course, music.

There were a couple of pictures that I loved and felt the need to share with cyberspace.